The face of the campaign is none other than Rohit Sharma, who is leading India into its fourth World Cup title quest. This marks Rohit Sharma’s fifth year of association with Oakley, reinforcing the brand’s commitment to supporting athletes to perform at the highest level and be their true, authentic selves.
The campaign film celebrates the authenticity, passion, and self-belief of an athlete’s journey, with Rohit leading the narrative on behalf of Oakley. The ad opens with Rohit, who is in the prime of his career, inspiring future athletes to trust and embrace their inner voice, empowering them to steer decisions and actions in pursuit of excellence.
Through Rohit’s presence, the ad depicts multiple scenarios with Rohit motivating these athletes to achieve their goals by being who they are. The campaign aims to connect with the target audience and envelop them in Oakley’s overarching mission to elevate sports and active lifestyle in India.
Sahil Jandial, senior brand business manager, Oakley India, expressed his excitement about strengthening their partnership with Rohit Sharma and unveiling the latest chapter of their ‘Be Who You Are’ campaign. Rohit Sharma shared that the campaign aims to inspire the next generation of athletes to embrace their authenticity and pursue their dreams with unwavering self-belief.
In the latest campaign, Rohit is seen sporting the brand’s newly launched eyewear – Sphaera and Bisphaera, offering the most extended field of view yet. Made by and for contenders, both eyewear is set to make a statement at the upcoming Olympics 2024. These eyewear styles bring together the best elements from Oakley’s diverse sports lineup and provide an almost weightless feel when worn.
The ad campaign for Oakley has been conceptualised by Brandmovers India. Suvajyoti Ghosh, MD & chief creative officer, Brandmovers India, shared his views on Rohit’s growth and success, stating that he is an inspiration and that is how they wished to portray him for their campaign this year.
Also Read: Supreme Court on Misleading Ads: Equal Liability for Celebrities and Influencers
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