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At Falkan Media, we value originality and integrity in the content we publish. When submitting articles for review, please ensure they are exclusive to FalkanMedia.com and have not been previously published elsewhere, including social media platforms or personal blogs.

We do not base our approval on topics or synopses; therefore, the full article is required for our thorough review process. Plagiarized content will be rejected, so please refrain from copying or pasting information from other sources. If you are referencing a report, kindly provide the link for our review.

In cases where articles contain infographics, they should be shared separately in JPEG/PNG format and included within the article to indicate their placement to our editorial team.

It’s important to note that articles should maintain industry neutrality and refrain from endorsing any particular product, company, or client.

Ultimately, the decision to publish rests solely with the FalkanMedia.com editorial team.

Send your content to writeforus@falkanmedia.com

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