MS Dhoni first collaborated with Oreo in 2022, aiming to recreate the magic of 2011 when India won the 50-over cricket World Cup and Oreo debuted in India. He urged people to “bring back 2011” to “create history” and help India win the T20 World Cup. In 2023, he and Oreo asked people not to discuss India’s chances before the 50-over World Cup to ward off any evil eye.
It has become a tradition to see the former international cricketer appear on screens right before a 50-over or 20-over World Cup, asking people to do certain things to improve India’s chances at cricket’s two biggest tournaments.
After India’s loss to Australia in the World Cup finals at Ahmedabad’s Narendra Modi stadium last year, Dhoni has now teamed up with French automobile brand Citroën. He aims to start the world’s biggest fan army to ensure India’s victory at the upcoming ICC Men’s T20 World Cup. In a 60-second ad, he announces his plan to make Citroën Team Dhoni and send several of the automaker’s cars across India to record peoples’ cheers for Team India. Fans can also record their cheer on the brand’s website.
A noteworthy aspect of this ad is the use of a press conference set up, a strategy also used by Oreo in 2022.
To build anticipation for this commercial and activity, MS Dhoni posted on his Facebook handle a few days ago: “Time to take the leap. It’s time to do what matters. I’m starting my own team.”
This is the first ad featuring the former Indian cricket team captain for Citroën after he was announced as its brand ambassador a day ago (May 24, 2024).
The upcoming T20 World Cup is its ninth edition and will take place in the West Indies and the United States from June 1 to June 29, 2024. India plays its first match against Ireland on June 5.
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