Baskin Robbins, India’s beloved ice cream brand, has unveiled its latest digital campaign, aptly named “The Happiest Ice Cream in the World.” Riding on the success of previous summer launches, this campaign aims to elevate the joy of indulgence, tapping into the growing trend of snacking.
At the heart of this campaign lies Baskin Robbins’ brand ethos: spreading happiness to consumers, regardless of their circumstances. Through a series of four captivating short films, the brand showcases individuals caught in bizarre situations—yet still savoring their favorite Baskin Robbins ice cream. Whether life throws curveballs or chaos reigns, Baskin Robbins ensures that these moments become truly “the happiest.”
Mohit Khattar, CEO of Graviss Foods Pvt Ltd (Baskin Robbins India), emphasizes the importance of consumer feedback. It served as the inspiration behind “The Happiest Ice Cream in the World” campaign. Baskin Robbins’ ice creams have the remarkable ability to elevate one’s state of being, no matter what challenges come their way.
The campaign is now live across popular social and digital platforms, inviting everyone to experience joy through a scoop of Baskin Robbins’ happiness-inducing ice cream. Whether you’re facing the mundane or the unexpected, remember: Baskin Robbins is there to make life a little sweeter! 🌟
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